Thomas the tank engine - Thomas Lieder
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Zurück Every cloud has a silver lining (never lose hope)
(Mike O'Donnel/Junior Campbell)

Life is full of surprises, full of ups and downs
And so to have a silver lining, first there must be a cloud

Bill and Ben the twins work together all day long
They sometimes disagree how things are done
They get down in the dumps
If things they do don't work out just as planned
But if at first you don't succeed then understand

There's no sense in worrying if things start going wrong
Obstacles can all be overcome
But even Bill and Ben both agree that in the end
If you never lose hope, you're sure to cope and carry on

Every cloud is silver-lined--even when it rains
So don't get too downhearted, as things are bound to change
All you've gotta do is wear a smile and you will find--your sun will shine

So if you've got a job to do, make sure you do it well
Arguing will get you nowhere fast
When Bill says "Push"--And Ben says "Pull"--they always get it wrong
But never lose hope, you're sure to cope and carry on

Every cloud is silver-lined--even when it rains
So don't get too downhearted, as things are bound to change
All you've gotta do is wear a smile and you will find--your sun will shine

Everybody makes mistakes--it happens all the time
You should never lose sight of your goal
Just like Bill and Ben--things will work out in the end
If you never lose hope, you're sure to cope and carry on

When you're feeling down it doesn't help to wear a frown
Never lose hope, you're sure to cope, and you can carry on
Every cloud is silver-lined to help you on your way
As long as there's hope--it'll help you cope
You must never lose hope--it'll help you on the way